Blog Post

We want to reassure both staff and patients that their safety is paramount, and, in line with our colleagues in England, Scotland and Wales, we support the use of PPE when carrying out face-to-face consultations with patients. 

We are asking patients to wear a mask at present not just for their safety but the safety of those around. Patients may be asymptomatic and not exhibiting signs of the virus, but we must keep ourselves and patients safe during these unprecedented times in keeping with Public Health England guidance.

We are following physical distancing guidelines as much as possible, please do not enter our clinics if you have symptoms of COVID-19.

Hand gel is available on entering and before leaving the building, we do not recommend gloves be worn but if you do so please gel them thoroughly as you would your hands. 

Certain people are exempt from wearing a mask such as:
  1. Children under two years old
  2. People with breathing problems
  3. People who can't remove the mask without assistance, such as those who are incapacitated or disabled

If you are unable to wear a mask just inform us when booking your appointment. If you are unable to obtain your own mask we can supply if necessary.

You will be asked to fill in a consent form for treatment to confirm that you are aware that there is currently a Covid-19 pandemic and by being treated there is a small risk of transmission due to mixing with other people.

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