10 May, 2016
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Seeking two podiatry interns
Are you interested in gaining experience in an SCP-accredited private practice with busy clinics in Tring and Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire?
Betafeet Podiatry is seeking two interns starting as soon as possible, but mindful of exam schedules and other commitments, who would like to add to their practical knowledge through observation, rotating between the two clinics with the potential to assist with assessments and gain insights into ‘back-office’ requirements that help to ensure the smooth day-to-day running of a podiatry business.
The internships will also provide an opportunity to observe and assist in the marketing of the business, particularly through social media.
These internships are ideal for podiatric students who may wish to enter management or set up their own clinic in the future.
See the value of an internship through the eyes of one of our own podiatrists, Matthew Collison, who is based at our Tring clinic:
These are unpaid internships with travel expenses covered and flexible hours to suit both parties. Transport access will be required.
To express your interest, please contact Betafeet Podiatry at info@betafeetpodiatry.co.uk , sending through your statement of interest, your CV to date and availability.
What would a podiatry intern working for Betafeet Podiatry learn?
Contact Judith A Sullivan, Practice Manager, Betafeet Podiatry, info@betafeetpodiatry.co.uk.